To our Cohley Community,
To put it lightly, the last few weeks have been a wild roller coaster. First and foremost, we hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. Our entire team at Cohley cares deeply about you and everyone on your team.
Secondly, we wanted to let you know that Cohley will continue to be fully operational. We’re very much in “all-hands-on-deck” mode, and we’re here to help if there’s anything you need from us.
We will continue to monitor the serious developments with the coronavirus outbreak and do everything in our power to help curb the spread of the virus. Our employees are all practicing “social distancing” and we’ve suspended corporate travel indefinitely.
As the uncertainty of the situation continues to unfold, we know that all of you are facing degrees of uncertainty about what’s to come. That said, we remain optimistic about the collective ability of our extended community to get through anything together.
We thought we’d include a few other resources that you might find helpful as you #WFH...
As always, we remain at your service, and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. We’re beyond grateful for you!
Be safe and be well,
Tom Logan
Co-Founder & CEO
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