Increase Revenue with Cohley’s Klaviyo Integration

Between browse and cart abandonment, eCommerce brands lose as much as $18 billion a year. Cohley’s integration with Klaviyo helps you recover that revenue by telling you exactly which images are driving the most conversions in email.

Reclaim revenue before it’s lost

Convincing shoppers to add items to their carts is hard, and it’s even harder to convince them to return to checkout after they’ve abandoned them. Cohley will tell you which images drive the highest CTR and purchases - down to the SKU - from your cart and browse abandonment emails, a capability unavailable anywhere else.

Image swapping and testing – automated

Cohley automates testing of cart and browse abandonment emails by identifying the winning assets with the highest click-to-open rates and orders down to the product level.

Frequently asked questions

Who is the Ideal Client for the Klaviyo Integration?
Top-performing direct to consumer brands with an emphasis on ecommerce. Fashion, beauty, and skincare stand out but there arent any limitations based on vertical.
What is your product and how does it differ from your competition?
This product is an integration with klaviyo's browse abandonment flows that allows us to test alternate assets against the default shopify product image to drive higher conversions and clicks. We are the only integration in Shopify and Klaviyo that supports asset testing.
What does support and onboarding look like?
First, download the app in the shopify app store. Next,cCreate a Cohley account. Finally, Ccnnect your store and Klaviyo account with Cohley's API. We can be as hands on as you need us to be
What's your pricing model?
Cohley's app is currently free in the Shopify app store.
How does your product integrate with Klaviyo? What are the possibilities with the platform?
The product integrates via a text box of source code. We can test product assets and provide performance on those tested assets on all products.
How does your product integrate with Klaviyo? What are the possibilities with the platform?
The product integrates via a text box of source code. We can test product assets and provide performance on those tested assets on all products.