Cohley Product Update: April 2024

Check out what's new in the Cohley platform for the month of April.
Michelle Green
April 9, 2024
June 26, 2024


Planning your brief timeline - and multiple posts in one Influencer brief

Struggling with creating deadlines for your brief? Use our newest timeline in your draft to help guide you when setting briefs. Each is specific per brief type and recommended to complete within 6 weeks. Our average time to completion is currently 5.7 weeks for UGC briefs, shorter for review briefs, and longest for influencer briefs - given the extra deadline for a post. Tooltips are also available to explain each time frame in further detail.

And speaking of Influencer briefs, Influencer briefs no longer focus on the assets as a video or image but instead the placement of the post on the platform selected. With the addition of multiple placements, the date of each post can also be specified as a unique date or a date range. This will be communicated to the Creator as a list of dates when posts are due in the overall timeframe or in the list of deliverables as shown below.

With each placement, various dates (range or specific date) can be specified per individual post.
With each placement, various dates (range or specific date) can be specified per individual post.

With these changes, brands can track which post is remaining. Once all posts are completed, click 'Move to completed' in order to close out the brief and send payment.

All transactions in a ledger

Invoice and credit card charges now have a final confirmation screen versus a success toast. This gives brands more information about to whom the invoice was sent (the primary contact only) and a link to the transaction table to see all charges. Once in Cohley transactions, filter by date range to see the total Creator payment for that timeframe or easily find a transaction. Credit card and Invoice charges will have a link to download the receipt. Reminder that invoice funds are available immediately whereas credit card requires confirmation from the bank that funds are available. 

Cohley transactons
Click the Invoice number to download a copy of the invoice that was sent to the email specified.

Creators on Amazon

Over 650 Cohley Creators have already added their Amazon URL - slow out the gate but I’m optimistic the number will continue to grow! What does this mean for you? Filter in briefs, Creator Hub, and view the shop URL in your accepted Creator export.  

And we’re seeing Amazon Inspire briefs (under the Other platform) increase. With these small updates we can help you target the right people and streamline your efforts in content creation. We’re watching out - but raise your hand if you want to do more with Amazon!

Filter for Creators with an Amazon shop URL.

Cohley Collaboration Tools (BETA)

After months of working on our new collaboration tools, I'd love to invite you to our newest beta. This has 3 pieces:

1. Sharing the brief overview with potential Creators 

2. Sharing Creators to get feedback/votes from across your organization

3. Sharing content to get feedback/approval for use across your organization


No login is required by anyone who receives the link. Mark Creators as 'Maybe' or in the Content to Review tab select the asset(s) and 'Mark for Review' and then copy the link and send it to your teammates. Hopefully little direction is needed for them outside of maybe how many Creators with which you are looking to work. Here is a quick tutorial video on the Creator vetting so you can see the flow end to end. And an additional video on content vetting


Collaboration enables you to work with additional team members outside of Cohley. Once feedback is collected, quickly decide who, or which assets, you want to accept. An email will be sent once a day if feedback is submitted.

When sharing briefs with Creators, it does include the compensation so that expectations are clear before joining. The exception to this is if it is a tiered influencer brief, in which case they must join and authorize TikTok or Instagram before payment can be shown. This link will be available for 30 days after the apply by date. When a Creator is viewing a brief with an apply by date in the past, they will see a red error message that the application deadline has passed. This will not keep them from reading the brief, logging in, or joining Cohley and can still be used as a recruitment tool for future briefs.

Send your brief to Creators not on Cohley, asking them to join and apply.



This is still an early beta with additional features coming soon. Please share your feedback on how this experience helps your internal processes. Reach out to your CSM for access!

Confirming this is an unpaid brief

For Creators that are in a product only exchange brief or are at the lowest payment tier (ahem too few followers to meet your minimum threshold), they will see $0.00 to reiterate that they will not receive any funds before applying. Apologies for those Creators that didn't believe the $0.00 expected payment shown to them. Hopefully this will help reinforce the lack of payment and dissuade any negotiation attempts.

Michelle Green
Director of Product
Day to day Michelle is a bug finder, feature requester, business owner, and sales leader answering the question "how can we disrupt and grow revenue faster?" Michelle focuses on creating products and systems that can scale with easy-to-use functionality, automated reporting, and results that speak for themselves.