Cohley Product Update: May 2023

Check out what's new in the Cohley platform for the month of May.
Michelle Green
May 5, 2023
January 22, 2025

Generative AI in Cohley

Are you ready for Finn to assist with your brief writing? Introducing Cohley’s first generative AI capability - improved brief writing. Finn knows your brand just as well as you. He quickly swims through the vast ocean (known to us humans as the world wide web) to provide copy on “why you want this content” and your brief “do’s and don’ts” that will excite creators, ensure strong deliverables, and capture your brand’s tone, vision, and needs. Raise your hand if you want Cohley to turn on Finn for your account and be a part of our beta fish test.

Here is a quick preview.

Content Library Updates

We are excited to see more brands using Google Drive to share Cohley generated content throughout your organization. We have improved a few items as we were experiencing timeout from large video files and apostrophes in product names were breaking the folder creation. We are now good to go! Each time you send content to Google Drive, remember to share access to new folders created. We have also updated the success message with a quick link that will open your drive and the ‘Cohley’ folder will be on top as most recently modified/created. 

Does your team use Slack? Sign-in to your Slack account via Cohley and start sharing your favorite content to teams right away! Be sure to let us know what you think!

For those that have run text review briefs via Cohley, I hope you are enjoying the new layout in the Content Library. You can now also search through reviews by keyword - color, size, description - you name it! After searching, the export will automatically filter for the reviews on your screen. 


You can now also sort your briefs by most recent to oldest, and the most recent content will be first by default.

Improved Creator Vetting

When vetting creators across new briefs, videos will now play upon hover in the creator card without having to view full screen (no sound). And those creators you don’t want to work with? Once you reject them, they will disappear from your list and your applicant count will decrease. This is a great way to cleanse your digital desk and focus on the applicants remaining. If for any reason you make a mistake, you can always open the filter panel to view rejected applicants. 



New Shopify status flow

The Process Order button for brands utilizing Shopify needed to be updated to match our new brand navigation. Once an order has been processed for a creator, the status of the order is no longer a button, but instead a label communicating the status. If there is an error, we will be able to show the brand the reason code we are getting from Shopify. 

Successful order:

Order was not successfully sent:


Miscellaneous Bugs

Professional briefs were not behaving as expected with the two content to review statuses of unedited content and edited content. This flow has been updated so that you can move creators from the unedited stage, to the edited stage, and finally to completed for payment. 

Content vetting has some new finishing touches! 

  1. Photos and videos viewed together
  2. Accepted and pending content viewed together
  3. Updated numbering: the newest asset can be seen in the top left corner. Any new assets will receive a higher number and be in the order of which they were uploaded. Use these numbers to communicate with the creator when requesting updates. 
    Note that we are displaying the count vertically. New assets will push the previous one down, and then over to the right. 
  4. All assets viewed full screen will now be responsive, making it much easier to watch videos on your device of choice!
Michelle Green
Director of Product
Day to day Michelle is a bug finder, feature requester, business owner, and sales leader answering the question "how can we disrupt and grow revenue faster?" Michelle focuses on creating products and systems that can scale with easy-to-use functionality, automated reporting, and results that speak for themselves.